Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are you a farmer?

Ok, I took a little two week break from posting anything on my blog.  Mainly because I didn't want to just throw some filler up here.  If I'm going to post something, I want it to be substantive.  So here you go.

Many of my past blog posts have dealt with having a vision of what you want.  That is a very important aspects of achieving your goals and desires.  However, that is not the only thing that you need to do. If that is all it took, everyone would have everything that they wanted.  If all you have is a vision but that's it, you're nothing more than a day dreamer.  The world is full of day dreamers.  Action is required on your part.  That's right, you're going to have to actually get up off your butt and DO something to achieve your dreams and goals. 

You might be asking, "What do I need to do Troy?"  First off, you need to be open to what the universe gives you.  All the answers are out there in the universe.  If you listen closely, you'll get the answers.  That little voice inside of you that says do this or don't do that.  That gut feeling that urges you to take action on this or hold off on that.  THAT is the universe giving you answers.  THAT's the universe telling you what you need to do.  You're job, is to listen and take action.  Inaction will guarantee that you will never achieve your goals.

Let me explain it to you another way.  Let's say that you are a farmer.  You plant a seed in the ground.  If you just walk away and do nothing else, is it reasonable to expect that you will have something to harvest?  No.  Of course not.  You're job as a farmer is to water the seed, provide it care, make sure no weeds steal the nutrients that the plant needs, etc.  IF you do your job as a farmer, you WILL be able to harvest the fruit.  Your goal or desire is the seed.  When you clearly define it, you plant that seed.  If that is all you do, there will be nothing for you to harvest…not now, not ever.  But if you stay focused on that goal, listen to the universe, take the appropriate actions KNOWING that those actions are getting you closer to your goal.  You WILL have that goal or desire to harvest when the time is right.