Sunday, May 4, 2008

Losing Focus

I guess from time to time we all lose focus; at least I do. That's what has recently happened to me. I lost my focus. Well, that's not entirely true. What happened is that I started to focus on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on where I want to be and where I want to go in my life, I started to focus on the negatives. I started to focus on what I didn't want. I started to pay attention to all the things that are going and have gone wrong in my life. Then, it seems that things just started to snowball from there.

It's true that whatever you focus on you, you get more of. In my business, I've been so focused lately on how I haven't made a placement that I almost forgot how much I enjoy having the freedom of working for myself and how much I enjoy the challenge of trying to find that one person that is needed to fill that position. i've forgotten that this is my dream. If I focus on the joys of my work, then the rest will eventually take care of itself.

I must remember to keep focused on what I want and why I want it. If I do that, the opportunities to achieve it all will present themselves. I must remember that everything happens on time, every time. When you stop and focus on the wrong things, you just get more of it.