Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

The 4th of July. Independence Day. America’s Birthday. Whatever you call it, it’s a pretty neat holiday! It’s a day to celebrate the birth of a GREAT nation. With all the negative things you read and see in the media about how the rest of the world (and sometimes some of our own citizens) view us as a nation we sometimes lose sight of how truly wonderful our country is and how incredible our freedoms really are.

In the 232 years since our country’s birth (signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776), the American people and the United States of America have helped end TWO world wars, defeated communism, stopped tyrants and ruthless dictators, provided humanitarian aid, and loaned countless billions of dollars to other countries (with no real expectation of ever being repaid), and oh so much more.

In our relatively short history this GREAT country of ours has basically stood up to every challenge, every madman, and every horrific situation and emphatically said “NOT ON MY WATCH!”

The rest of the world dislikes us (dare I say even HATES us) because we always stand up for what WE think is right and not just sit and be bystanders. Let them!

Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a pretty big patriotic person. So, it would go to reason that I love this holiday as much, or more, than any other. But I ask that you please remember why it is that you get to enjoy this wonderful day. Remember that there is a reason that we have the PRIVILEGE to celebrate and enjoy the freedoms that we have. Today, all over the world there are young (and not so young) men and women who have devoted themselves to protecting our freedoms and our way of life. So, as you fire up the grill today and spend time with your loved ones pause and think about the guy or girl that is half a world away fighting to keep this country GREAT.