Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Real Reason...

Recently it came to my attention that someone that I knew a while ago seemed to view my "Superman Collection" as a bad thing and very juvenile. As alot of you probably know, I have alot of Superman stuff and I do have an affinity for the big guy in blue. Alot of people make assumptions as to why I like Superman so much or why I have so much Superman stuff. I don't think in all of my years a single person has every asked me "WHY". Most assume that I'm one of those nerdy comic book collectors. Truth be told, I haven't purchased a Superman comic book in over 15 years. Matter of fact, most of the Superman stuff that I have was given to me by friends or family.

One of the reasons that I love Superman so much is that it's the very first movie that I can remember my Mom taking me to see when I was little. Of course, Superman is a really cool super hero...he's strong, fast, has x-ray vision, and can fly. What's not to like? But THE real reason that I display all of my Superman stuff and went so far as to permanently tattoo a Superman "S" on my body is really a little bit deeper than all of that.

Superman is the ultimate example of the best of human qualities. Superman is the perfect example of always doing the right thing, no matter what. I keep my S's around me, and visible to remind me that I can ALWAYS try to to the right thing. No matter how hard. No matter how unpopular. No matter how much easier it would be to do the wrong thing. No matter if no one will know. No matter if no one will really get hurt. But simply because it's the RIGHT thing to do.

I've passed my love of Superman on to my kids. And hopefully one day they will come to realize the true reason why I love the big guy in blue. And maybe, just maybe, they too will always strive to be like our favorite superhero and always do their best to do the right matter what.