Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 8 years later

There are plenty of events throughout history where people ask "Do you remember where you were when...?" I will never forget when and where I was when I heard about the tragic events that were taking place on 9/11/01. I was living in Arlington, TX at the time. I had moved up there three months prior to start a new job. That morning I was in bed with a hurt back still groggy from the pain killers and muscle relaxers in my system. Barely able to get out of bed, I called into work to inform them that I probably was going to be late. I was told not to bother coming into work because "we were under attack." I jumped out of bed and ran to turn on the TV. I sat and watched the TV in horror for the rest of the day. Immediately my mind started racing. What could I do to help? I had to do something.

The next day I walked into a Navy recruiting office and spoke to a recruiter about getting back in. That afternoon I took the aviation battery test in the hopes of scoring high enough to become a Navy NFO. (I couldn't be a pilot because I don't have 20/20 vision) Unfortunately, I scored high enough to be a pilot but missed the cut off score for NFO by ONE point. I was told to come back in 2 weeks and take the exam again and was assured that I would be shipping out within weeks of passing the exam. One week later, on 9/18 I walked into my supervisor's office and told her of my overwhelming call to duty and my desires to re-enter the military. I offered my 2 week notice, because I didn't think it was fair to continue training for a position that I didn't believe I would be around to fill. I was thanked for my service and immediately shown the door. Needless to say that delay after delay and set back after set back prevented me from ever re-entering the military.

8 years later, I still wish (almost daily) that I had been able to do my part in this War Against Terrorism. I now have a son serving in the United States Marine Corps, who will undoubtedly find himself serving overseas (possibly/probably Afghanistan) in this continued fight against evil. And that is the way I see it; Good vs Evil. Plain and simple. It was pure evil that took the lives of so many innocent people 8 years ago. It is pure evil that still lurks with the sole desire to kill Americans and destroy America.

8 years later, I fear that too many people have forgotten. I fear too many people have forgotten what we lost. I fear too many people have forgotten that this fight was brought to us, to our door step. I fear too many people grow weary of this fight and are all too ready to throw in the towel.

I hope and pray that the strong, the brave, and the patriotic will be persistent. I hope and pray that strong men and women will stand fast and say "WE WILL NEVER FORGET; NOT ON MY WATCH!"