Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today is November 11th; Veterans Day. Today, I hope and pray that every single American will sit back and take a moment to think about all those that have served our country; in times of war and peace. I hope that at some point, either today or any other day, that every American will take a few moments to thank a veteran for their service to our country.

America would not be the envy of the free world without the US Veteran. The whole world would not know liberty and freedom without the US Veteran. So many times in our country's relatively short history, our brave men and woman have gone to the aid of the world to ensure liberty and freedom. So many times OUR brave men and women in uniform have stared down evil and beat it back. World War II was all but lost, with the Axis powers looking to be unstoppable until WE entered the war. It was the tenacity, valor, courage, and commitment of the American military that stopped the spread of evil in that war. Even today, our brave men and woman stand in the face of the evils of terrorism and fight tirelessly on a daily basis to keep that evil at bay and away from our shores. Our ranks of US Veterans grows every day. All US Veterans have one thing in common; their sacrifice and service to the protection of our freedoms.

Our Constitution guarantees our freedoms and our military stands ready to fight to protect and defend that Constitution. With over 23 million living veterans in our country, everyone should have more than enough opportunities to show their appreciation for all that they have done for our country.

For all the great things that our country does for our veterans, we must do a much better job. 260,000 veterans are homeless in this country. Is this how we repay those who have given so much for us and our freedoms?

Our country owes so much to our veterans. Remember to do your part today to say THANK YOU.