Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011

Today we honor all those who have worn the uniform of our great country, in defense of freedom and liberty. For the last 10 years our military men and women have carried a tremendous burden fighting a seemingly endless battle against pure evil in terrorism on two fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan. While I hold the highest regard and admiration for those brave souls that have served within the last 10 years, lest not forget that our United States military did not get its start after aircraft slammed into The World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

 Please remember the veterans who fought against and defeated fascism in WWII. Remember the veterans who went off to Vietnam to fight in a war so unpopular that often times their own countrymen turned their backs on them when they returned. Remember all those veterans who served throughout the many many years of the Cold War, when it wasn't "cool" to join the military, but who stood ready and willing to defend this country and every man, woman, and child within it against the threat of world communism and the evil Soviet empire.

 Every one of us owes a debt of gratitude that we could never think of repaying to ALL those brave men and women who have EVER worn a uniform in defense of our great country and all that she stands for.

 Let us never forget that ALL veterans we're willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if need be, for you and me and future generations of Americans.

 To all those that I had the pleasure of serving with all those years ago, thank you for your service. To all those who served before me, including my father (a retired Air Force veteran), thank you for your service and sacrifices that made everything in my life possible. To all those who have served after me, and who serve today, (like my oldest son who is an active duty Marine) thank you for what you have done and continue to do for me, my family, and every American.

 Happy Veterans Day and God Bless America!