Sunday, November 3, 2013

Never say never...

I said I would never leave the iPhone. I said that there would never be a phone as good as the iPhone. I was wrong... on both counts.

In our house we have 2 iMacs, 4 iPads, 2 iPod shuffles, an Apple airport, and an Apple tv. Needless to say, I am a BIG fan of Apple products. That included the iPhone, up until one Sunday afternoon in June. 

For 5 years I had been the biggest iPhone proponent out there. I had defended every iteration of the iPhone, no matter how underwhelming. I had badmouthed Android and every other iPhone competitor popped up in recent years. I even went so far as to give my beautiful wife crap about wanting to switch from the iPhone to the Samsung Galaxy.

"Why on earth would you want to switch from a phone that just works so easily to one that doesn' all?" I'm not sure if that is exactly what I said, but you get the idea.

From the moment that I held that Galaxy S4 in my hand, I was a believer.  A few days after that, I owned one. I no longer had an iPhone. I no longer WANTED an iPhone! 

I never loved a phone more than the S4. Five months later, I still feel the same way. I have never regretted leaving the iPhone; not for a single moment. 

It doesn't speak well for Apple that someone as fiercely loyal to its products as I was can switch to a competitor without blinking an eye, and have no remorse whatsoever. Matter of fact, I'm happier with my S4 than I ever was with any of my iPhones. Even the unveiling of the new iPhone 5s didn't excite me...AT ALL.

I still love the iPad though. We just bought new iPad Airs yesterday. But I won't lie, I didn't have that "Oh My God, I love this" feeling about it the way I did when I got my first iPad.  Honestly, I'm even looking at the Android tablets out if the corner of my eye now with much more serious curiosity. Will I ever switch and leave the iPad? I don't know.  But I've learned my lesson...I'll never say never.