Friday, January 16, 2009

Be Happy

On a recent visit to my parent’s house, I spent some time one evening with my Dad and one of my dad’s friends. He’s a family friend that I’ve known all of my life. We sat outside and talked for several hours over a few beers. (Ok, he did most of the talking and I listened, but it was in listening that I gained a wealth of knowledge) As we sat and talked he said something to me that had a deep affect on me and that I continuously repeat to myself daily. He said, “I’m happy, because I choose to be.” That sounds pretty simple right? That is simple, but yet incredibly powerful stuff. My friend said to me, "I control my attitude not the things around me or the things that happen around me. It’s not that I don’t care about the things that happen. I care, but it’s not going to control who I am and how I feel.”

Life is too short to be negative and unhappy. So, from this day forward, I will be happy. I will be happy because I chose to be.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year...2009

Wow! What a difference a year makes. Who knew so much could happen in twelve little months. I started 2008 in a relationship but ended the year single. In 2008 I managed to get a new job. Which was a good thing seeing how I wasn’t sure how I was going to keep paying my bills after not making any money at all with the recruiting business that I was trying to get off the ground. I also managed to become a grandfather in 2008. Yes that’s right. Laugh now. I’m a 36 yr old grandfather thanks to my oldest son Christopher. Speaking of, in 2008 I also became the proud father of a United States Marine! Also at the beginning of 2008 I seemed to have a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with my life and here we are at the beginning of 2009 and I’m back to having no clue. I’ve thought about making resolutions this year...or more appropriately, setting goals for myself for 2009. But, I’ve been having a hard time trying to set some. Setting goals is not usually a problem for me, so this has taken me aback recently. First and foremost I know that I want to continue my goal of constantly trying to improve myself each and every day. Even if it’s just in some little way like learning something new or trying to be a better parent, or something along those lines. I think in 2009 I want to make sure that I complete my teacher certification coursework. Maybe look at seriously starting grad school somewhere. Clay is finishing up his Junior year of high school and starting his Senior year in 2009. So, I think one of my goals is to make sure that I spend as much quality time with him as I possibly can this year. I promised him that we’d try to go to more concerts this year. So I guess one of my other goals would be to attend more rock concerts with Clay in 2009. I’d like to write more. I love to write. And most of the time my blog posts are more pieces of my writing rather than just thoughts and journal entries. So, I guess another goal will be to try and write more in 2009. I did pretty well at working out and getting back into shape in 2008. I think another goal will be to continue with that and kick it up to the next level. I’m better off than I was at the beginning of 2008, but not where I want to be. Wow, this goal list is shaping up nicely after sitting down and putting things down on paper. I also think that I will use 2009 to get back in touch with and stay in touch with old friends that I have reacquainted myself with in the latter half of 2008. Maybe even make a few trips out of town to visit with those friends that have managed to scatter themselves all around the state and the country. Cool, another goal; travel to visit friends out of town. Ok, I think I’ll stop there before I get too much ahead of myself and set too many goals. So, lets recap: Continue daily self improvement, complete certification coursework, seriously look at starting grad school, spend more quality time with Clay, attend more rock concerts with Clay, write more, continue to exercise and increase intensity level, stay in touch with friends better and travel to see them more often. Oh, and last but not least….advance to “HARD” or “EXPERT” on the drums on Rockband 2!!!!