Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mid Year Review

Last year someone I know suggested using the month of July to look at the current year and see where we are as far as our yearly goals. (I don’t like to use the term resolutions as most people forget about their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January or February) So, here we are midway through 2009. It's time to take a good look at myself and my goals and see where I am, what progress I’ve made on each goal, and determine where I can improve.

My first goal for 2009 was to continue daily self improvement. I think I’m slacking on this one a little bit. Each day I continue to work to be a better person, father, and friend. There is always room for improvement in this area. I still think I fall very short of where I want to be or WHO I want to be. I still struggle with going to church on a weekly basis (much to the displeasure of my mother). To be honest, I haven’t been to church in quite a while and I have no real excuse other than I’m lazy and chose not to. I definitely got to work on that. As a father I need to lead by example and I often fall short with that as well. I’m probably more critical of myself as a father than any other aspect of my life. Being a father is, without a doubt, the most important thing I’ve ever done in my life or that I will ever do. I pray daily to be a good dad and to try and impart some sort of wisdom on my children and to hopefully show them what it means to be a good man and a good father. I hope and pray that I don’t screw that up too bad. To screw up doing that, affects generations of Hinojosas to come. I guess Chris and Clay would be able to tell you best how well I’m doing at meeting this goal. The same goes for my friends. You’d have to ask them how I’m doing with this goal. I get to see so few of them regularly as they are scattered around the state and country. I hope that they feel as though I continue to work daily at being a better friend to each of them.

My next goal was to complete the teacher certification program that I am enrolled in. This is a goal that needs major work. I haven’t done a whole lot with this goal at all. I partly blame my work schedule and the inability to sit in on classes and watch a teacher at work, but mostly its due to being unmotivated to get it done. Partly due to my horrible habit of procrastinating (maybe a self paced course with no deadlines wasn’t such a good idea) and the other part is due to the fact that I’m wavering on my motivation for wanting to get certified to begin with. I think that in order to be an effective teacher you need to be passionate about teaching. I’m not sure that I am. I get passionate about it sometimes, but then it cools off. I’m trying to figure out why that is. The last thing I want to do is jump into yet another career and just go through the motions only to quite a year or two later because I’m bored or just done enjoy it. I’ve done that too many times since leaving the Navy and graduating from college. Either way, I think I need to complete the certification program so that I have the option to teach if I so chose. So, need to hop on that pronto!

One of my other goals was to seriously look at starting grad school. This is a tricky one. I really want to go to grad school. I love school. Well, at least I love going to school and the classes that I’m interested in. The problem for me is trying to decide what I want to pursue an advanced degree in. I’m interested in SO MANY different subjects. When I start to sit down and seriously think about grad school, I’m like a kid in a toy store with the ability to buy JUST ONE toy. They all look so good. They all look like so much fun. I can imagine myself enjoying each of them. But in the end I can only pick one. But which one? George Washington University’s Educational Technology Leadership Program is of very great interest to me and always comes up at the top of my list. I think I need to look into it again and see what I might need to do to try and get accepted. I did so poorly in college at A&M that I often talk myself out of grad school because I think that there is no way that I’ll ever get accepted. Need to change my way of thinking on that if I ever want to seriously go to grad school.

Another goal was to spend more quality time with Clay. I think I’m doing ok with this one. It’s difficult to spend a lot of time with a 17 yr old who has his own life, his own friends, and his own job. However, I think we do a pretty good job of making the best of the time that we do get to spend together. Clay and I go to the movies together a lot and we play video games and there are a few TV shows that we watch together. I try to check my “parental persona” at the door when we do these things together. Clay gets enough of the dad that is always telling him to clean up his room and do this or do that. He doesn’t need THAT dad to go to the movies with him or play video games with him. When Clay and I do those things together, it’s pure joy for me. It’s in those moments that I know that all my career sacrifices and sometimes personal relationship sacrifices were all worth it.

I also attend more rock concerts with Clay. Here I’ve fallen way short. Mainly due to work schedules and financial reasons. College Station isn’t the Mecca of rock concerts. So in order for us to catch a show we’d have to travel to Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, or Austin. Most of which would involve taking time off of work or school, renting a hotel room, travel, etc. Things just haven’t worked out for us so far this year. But the year is still young and I just read an announcement that AC/DC added an Austin date to their tour this year!!!

I wanted to write more this year. I’ve written a few blog entries and I ever tried my hand at writing a few movie reviews. I just haven’t made the time to sit down and write a whole lot this year. But I haven’t stopped writing either. So, I’m ok with where I am on this one.

Next goal: continue to exercise and increase intensity level. I can definitely say that I’m right on target with this one. I’ve been working out pretty steady all year with my friend Kristen and just last month I jumped up the intensity level by starting the P90X program. I think that definitely qualifies as being on track with increasing the intensity level of working out. This goal – CHECK!

I also wanted to stay in touch with friends better and travel to see them more often. I know that I have fallen short in this category too, as I often forget to keep in touch with a lot of my friends regularly. For this, again, I have no real excuse. To say that I’m busy or that I don’t have time is a very poor excuse to not, at the very least, communicate with the people that mean so very much to me. I can say that social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have been so helpful in striving to achieve this goal! I definitely want to start seeing my friends more often. Maybe to better complete this goal I’ll try and take at least 1 day trip every couple of weeks to a different city (within reasonable driving distance) to spend some time with different friends. That could be fun!

Oh, and last but not least, I wanted to advance to “HARD” or “EXPERT” on the drums on Rockband 2!!!! HA-HA! Ok, so far I’ve managed to be able to play SOME songs on “medium”. I haven’t played Rockband 2 with as much consistency as I did when I first got the game back in December.

All in all, I think I’m doing pretty well so far this year. I’m trucking along with most of my goals. As with all goals there is always room to improve. The main thing is to continue to work towards my goals, don’t lose site of them, and not get discouraged when I fall short.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day, 2009

Today is Independence Day, the 4th of July. The greatest holiday in America! The day that marks the beginning of the greatest, most prosperous, most generous, most free nation in history of the world!

We live in a world where people from other countries seem to hate America and Americans. Hell, even some of our very own citizens act as though they hate America. But TRUE Americans know that without the good ol' US of A, the world would be run by socialist, dictators, and mad men. Without America, all of Europe would be speaking German. Without America, the USSR would still be thriving and denying freedoms to its citizens and taking over country after country with its communist might. Without America the people of Iraq would still live in daily fear under the rule of a mad man who wouldn't hesitate to kill his own people with brutal chemical attacks. Without America the people of Afghanistan would still be under the brutal, oppressive rule of the Taliban. Face it, without America the world would be a far worse place for ALL people!

America is the shining city on the hill! America is the land of the free and the home of the brave! America is the land of opportunity. America is all those things because Americans are willing to fight and shed blood for their freedom and the freedom of others! America is the greatest country in the world and Americans are the greatest group of people in the world!

Celebrate your freedom America! But let us always remember that Freedom is never free. Let us never forget the sacrifices made by countless men and women in uniform in service of our great country and in defending freedom here and around the world. Let us always keep in our prayers those brave men and women currently serving to protect and preserve that freedom.

God bless the USA!!!