Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day, 2009

Today is Independence Day, the 4th of July. The greatest holiday in America! The day that marks the beginning of the greatest, most prosperous, most generous, most free nation in history of the world!

We live in a world where people from other countries seem to hate America and Americans. Hell, even some of our very own citizens act as though they hate America. But TRUE Americans know that without the good ol' US of A, the world would be run by socialist, dictators, and mad men. Without America, all of Europe would be speaking German. Without America, the USSR would still be thriving and denying freedoms to its citizens and taking over country after country with its communist might. Without America the people of Iraq would still live in daily fear under the rule of a mad man who wouldn't hesitate to kill his own people with brutal chemical attacks. Without America the people of Afghanistan would still be under the brutal, oppressive rule of the Taliban. Face it, without America the world would be a far worse place for ALL people!

America is the shining city on the hill! America is the land of the free and the home of the brave! America is the land of opportunity. America is all those things because Americans are willing to fight and shed blood for their freedom and the freedom of others! America is the greatest country in the world and Americans are the greatest group of people in the world!

Celebrate your freedom America! But let us always remember that Freedom is never free. Let us never forget the sacrifices made by countless men and women in uniform in service of our great country and in defending freedom here and around the world. Let us always keep in our prayers those brave men and women currently serving to protect and preserve that freedom.

God bless the USA!!!

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