Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Angels and Demons Movie Review

This past weekend I had the opportunity to watch the much anticipated sequel to The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons. Although Angels and Demons is the movie sequel, it was in fact the first of the the two books and where Dan Brown's character, Robert Langdon, is first introduced. The story is about the re-emergence of an ancient secret society seemingly determined to bring down the Catholic Church and the actions of the Vatican Police and Swiss Guard, with the help of Professor Robert Langdon, to stop the plot. The book was excellent. The movie, not so much. I was highly disappointed in this film.

Although Ron Howard did a great job with scenery and locations for filming the movie (the story is set in Rome), that is about all he managed to do a great job with. This movie was long and the majority of the movie was, quite frankly, boring. Ron Howard attempted to "dupe" the movie watcher into thinking certain scenes were more dramatic than they were by utilizing dramatic sounding music. Guess what Ron? We didn't buy it.

If you've read this book, please save yourself some money and don't bother going to see this film. I promise you that you will be highly disappointed. If you haven't read the book, please do so and avoid the movie. I promise you that you will be much more entertained and better off for it.

Angels and Demons officially receives 2 1/2 Bags of Popcorn out of 5.

Until the next review, maybe I’ll see you at the show.

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