Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek Movie Review

At the suggestion of a friend, I have decided to start writing movie reviews of the new movies that I go to watch. So, here is the first T-Roy Movie Review.

Today is the official release date of the J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot movie. I had the opportunity to see the first showing in Bryan/College Station last night and all I can say is PHENOMENAL!! I usually judge whether or not a movie is “good” by a few very simple criteria; 1) was I entertained and 2) did I leave the theater feeling as tough that was time well spent. I left the theater last night thinking “when can I see this again!!” Yes, it was THAT good! You don’t have to be a huge Trekie to enjoy this movie. However, if you were a fan of the old Star Trek television series and/or the Star Trek movies, you will undoubtedly enjoy this new installment of the Star Trek franchise that much more. The introduction of favorite characters and the references to old favorite lines and character mannerisms will definitely bring added appeal to Star Trek fans. But, don’t be fooled, this movie is GREAT entertainment for even the casual Sci-Fi fan. This movie has great action, the proper dose of laughs, and incredible special effects.

What I’m about to say may offend some die hard Star Wars fans, however, after seeing Star Trek, J.J. Abrams effectively made George Lucas his “bitch”. This film made all 3 of the Star Wars prequels look like puppet shows put on by 3 graders.

This movie is definitely poised to be the best movie of the summer. The only movie that I can foresee even coming close to challenging Star Trek as the best movie of the summer will be the highly anticipated Transformers sequel.

J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek definitely gets 5 out of 5. (Not sure what I’m going to use as my rating device just yet. Stars seems a bit cliché and over done. Jalapenos is already taken, as is 2 thumbs up. I welcome any suggestions.)

Until the next review, maybe I’ll see you at the show.

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