Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011

Today we honor all those who have worn the uniform of our great country, in defense of freedom and liberty. For the last 10 years our military men and women have carried a tremendous burden fighting a seemingly endless battle against pure evil in terrorism on two fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan. While I hold the highest regard and admiration for those brave souls that have served within the last 10 years, lest not forget that our United States military did not get its start after aircraft slammed into The World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

 Please remember the veterans who fought against and defeated fascism in WWII. Remember the veterans who went off to Vietnam to fight in a war so unpopular that often times their own countrymen turned their backs on them when they returned. Remember all those veterans who served throughout the many many years of the Cold War, when it wasn't "cool" to join the military, but who stood ready and willing to defend this country and every man, woman, and child within it against the threat of world communism and the evil Soviet empire.

 Every one of us owes a debt of gratitude that we could never think of repaying to ALL those brave men and women who have EVER worn a uniform in defense of our great country and all that she stands for.

 Let us never forget that ALL veterans we're willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if need be, for you and me and future generations of Americans.

 To all those that I had the pleasure of serving with all those years ago, thank you for your service. To all those who served before me, including my father (a retired Air Force veteran), thank you for your service and sacrifices that made everything in my life possible. To all those who have served after me, and who serve today, (like my oldest son who is an active duty Marine) thank you for what you have done and continue to do for me, my family, and every American.

 Happy Veterans Day and God Bless America!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Texas Aggie

I spent the best 5 yrs of my life as a student at Texas A&M University and I made some of the best friends of my life here in Aggieland. I have some mighty fond memories, from my first Midnight Yell Practice to my last game as a student standing with the 12th Man. I remember my first time in the Dixie Chicken and I remember the last time Bonfire burned. I remember being an incoming freshman at Howdy Camp and years later being a Howdy Camp counselor.

I still remember my first trip to The Chicken was with a high school buddy and I closed it down more times that I can count in my college career. I've camped out for Aggie Football tickets and I've yelled until I was horse at Aggie football and baseball games. I have great memories of when I dunked my ring and I ones I'll never forget of sitting all night at stack on Nov 18th. Some of the best memories I have are from my time at A&M.

I'm not just an Aggie fan...I AM an Aggie. From the Aggie Ring that's always on my hand, to the Aggie pride that is always in my heart, It's part of who I am and always will be.

Thanks & Gig'em!

Location:College Station, TX (aka Aggieland)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rangers Baseball

We're getting ready to leave our DFW hotel room. My wife is blow drying her hair. The boys are playing their DS games. I'm sitting on the bed reflecting on our great weekend.

We left Aggieland Friday morning on our Rangers Baseball weekend getaway. And it has been a wonderful weekend to say the least.

Friday we had a great drive and spent some time with Kristen's cousin. The boys got to visit a fire station in Irving and got a private tour of the trucks and station.

Saturday our baseball adventure began. The weather was perfect as we went on a tour of the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.

Every time I walk through the gates of the ballpark I am magically transformed into 10 year old Troy, and I love every minute of it! The wide eyed giddiness I feel is indescribable.

Joe, our tour guide, showed us parts of the ballpark I had never seen and told us some things I never knew. The boys loved the tour. This was Ethan's first time to The Ballpark, and he was in awe!

We would return a few hours after our tour for the game. This was the 2nd game of the Rangers opening weekend. The 2nd game of the season. A season that follows the most memorable season in Rangers history. Rangers vs Red Sox. You couldn't have found 4 more excited Rangers fans if you tried.

Everything about this game was memorable. From the AL Championship ring ceremony that preceded it, to the 12-5 Rangers victory and everything in between.

Ethan loved his first Rangers experience. Cobe loved being back at the ballpark. I loved sharing my love of the Rangers and baseball with my wonderful family.

You couldn't ask for a more perfect weekend. I almost hate to see it end.

- Posted from my iPad

Location:Regent Blvd,Irving,United States

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Proud Husband

One of the many great things that I love about my life is being a husband. I have the most amazing wife. She's loving, caring, passionate, sincere, and talented.

I'm not sure if many of you know this, but my beautiful wife, Kristen, is in the business of making other women look beautiful. Yes, my wife is a professional makeup artist. I always thought of makeup stuff as silly girl stuff. I never really understood what she did, or had a real good appreciation for it until I got the opportunity to watch her in action.

Some time last year, she needed me to help her with a makeup job in Austin.(That's right, she travels to the bride, WHEREVER she may be.) So, I loaded all her gear in the car and we headed out early one Saturday morning. After we got to the hotel in Austin where the bridal party was getting ready, I helped Kristen set up. My responsibility for the day was to keep the airbrush gun and all the brushes clean after she used them on each of the girls. Seemed simple enough. I didn't realize how important it was to keep everything clean and sanitized for each girl.

Then I got to watch her do her magic. She was professional, casual, & attentive all at the same time. Watching her apply makeup was like watching a skilled painter apply oils to a canvas. She skillfully transformed each of those ladies into beautiful walking art pieces. Each girl's look was unique and to their wishes/wants, but yet collectively they looked like they belonged together. (I'm not sure if that makes sense.)

Since then, I've gone with her to several more jobs to help out & take pictures for her website. Each time, I'm amazed at what she does and the amount of talent she poses. Kristen is the definition of professional when it comes to her job. She always puts the client's needs, wants, and wishes first. Kristen is great at listening to what the women want, and even better at helping them achieve that perfect look for their special day. I have never seen a lady leave her chair unhappy with her look.

Now I can add website design to Kristen's skill set! Last night we published her newly redesigned website, and it looks fantastic!!! She spent a lot of time working on it to make it look wonderful. (Kind of like she does with each of her clients.)

BCSMAKEUPARTIST.COM is so well done, I would have sworn that a professional web designer had done it for her. Even after we published it last night, she was still working on it late into the evening, making changes to improve the content and to make it more informative and a better experience for her guests that visit the site.

It's an understatement to say that I am a very proud husband. I'm so proud of Kristen for everything that she is and does; professionally and privately. She is a wonderful wife, an awesome mother, a dedicated student (yes, she also takes classes online working towards a bachelor's and master's degree combo in Business), and an incredibly talented professional makeup artist.

If you haven't already checked out her new website, please do at And if you, or anyone you know, might be looking for the services of a talented makeup artist, please contact Kristen. You'll be glad you did!