Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Am I Here?

Have you ever wondered what your "purpose" is? I'm sure it's safe to say that just about all of us have, at one time or another, asked this very question. I know that I have asked this question countless numbers of times; to myself, to others, to God. And, it wasn't until relatively recently that I came to understand what my purpose was; what it is that I was meant to do on this earth. 

Before I go ahead and give you the insight on my grand revelation, let me give you a little history about my quest in finding my "purpose". For as long as I can remember, I have thought that my purpose in life was to help and protect others. That is one of the main reasons why I joined the military when I left high school. It's also the reason that I applied numerous times with numerous law enforcement agencies after I left the Navy. For those of you that know me well, you know that it's the reason that I spent several years trying to get back into the military following 9/11. When I was unable to reenter the military for numerous reasons, it's the reason that I sought out other ways to "help" people. I worked as a case manager for a housing program for the homeless for a while. That was rewarding, but eventually the rewards became less and less. So I decided to try my hand as an adult probation officer. That sounded like a great job, I got to help people AND help protect the community. But eventually, that too began to provide me with less and less personal satisfaction. However, as luck would have it, it was right around the time that I started to notice less and less personal satisfaction as a probation officer that I learned why I was here; what I was meant to do. 

Are you ready for the revelation? Drum roll please…. What I was meant to do, what you are meant to do, is to be happy. That's it. Seems simple enough doesn't it? Your purpose in life is to do what ever makes you happy. Man's purpose in life is to live the most abundant, full and happy life possible. It seems simple, yet so many of us spend our lives trying to find our "purpose." Many of us let the true purpose of our lives slip by in pursuit of something "greater." But I ask you this, what can be greater than fulfilling your true life's purpose.

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