Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you believe?

Wow, did you see the Super Bowl game last night? What a good game. Since my beloved Cowboys were out of it, I had just hoped to see a good game, and I definitely wasn't disappointed. This morning when I was thinking about it a little bit more, I realized that I came away with some very powerful thoughts after watching the game. 

First, I am greatly reminded to NEVER underestimate the power of believing in yourself, your abilities, and what you can have and accomplish. All of the so called experts and professional prognosticators gave the NY Giants little hope of even making a game of this much less a chance to actually win. But the Giants didn't buy in to that. Why? I'll tell you why. I'm sure that every player, coach, and trainer, to a man, believed in themselves, their teammates, and their desire and ability to win and hoist that Lombardi Trophy in celebration. I can promise you that each of them pictured that moment in their mind; the moment after the win when they could hold that trophy up high. I bet each of them could actually feel what it would feel like when they won. It was that emotion coupled with their desire and unwavering belief that produced the victory. When interviewed after the win, Eli Manning said that they believed that they could win, even when it seemed that no one else in the country did. The Giants were a wild card team. They weren't supposed to even make to the Super Bowl much less win; according the all the experts. Remember what I've said before? It doesn't matter what your background or where you come from. No one puts limitations on you except for you. 

Secondly, I think about the Patriots pursuit of excellence and the perfect season. I'm sure that none of the New England players were thinking they would lose last night. Even with less than a minute to play in the game, quarterback Tom Brady appeared to be cool, calm and faithful that they would win. Unfortunately for Tom and the rest of the New England players, the game of football has a clock that determines when play stops. New England didn't walk away with their first loss of the season because they quit or didn't have a desire to win; they merely ran out of time on the game clock. Lucky for us the "game" of life lasts a little bit longer than 60 minutes. But, there is a time limit on life, just like there is on a football game. Do you want to wait until the clock is winding down on your life to act? The time to act is now. The only time that we live in is NOW. There is no tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. 

Whatever it is that you want; whatever it is that you desire; YOU CAN HAVE IT. You just have to see it, believe it, and feel it in your heart. Don't believe me? Just ask Eli Manning and the rest of the NY Giants.

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