Thursday, June 26, 2008

Your Life's Plan

When I was young and growing up I had a lot of goals and dreams. I would think about all the things that I wanted to accomplish in my lifetime. When I was leaving high school I still had a lot of goals and thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted my life to go. Then life happens and you lose your way a little bit, or veer off course. I remember when I was 25 I was starting a new chapter in my life and in my first year at A&M and I thought to myself, "AH HA. This is where things turn around and I get everything that I've wanted for my life." Wrong! I learned a lot between 25 and 30, and had some ups and downs along the way, but I still wasn't where I thought I should be. Then when I was 30 I thought, “Ok, NOW I know what I want to do and where I want to go.” Wrong again! I've struggled for the last 5 years in trying to learn who I am, what it is that I really want to do, and where it is that I really want my life to go. My 35th year is almost complete and now I'm FINALLY realizing it's not about where I want to be or where I want to go with my life that is the important thing. Sure, goals and dreams and wanting to better yourself and your situation for you and your family are very important. But the MOST important thing, at least as I have finally come to realize it, is that you surrender yourself to GOD's plan for WHAT you should do and WHERE you should be. Once you understand that, God has a wonderful way of putting things in place for you and placing the people in your life to help you achieve the life that HE wants for you.

I’m a smart guy. If you ask anyone that knows me, they might even tell you that I’m too smart (at least for my own good sometimes). But, even I’m smart enough to know that I’m not smarter than GOD. Who am I to say that what I want for me is better than what God wants for me? I’ll take God’s plan for me over my own plan for myself every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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