Sunday, January 6, 2008

1st of 2008

Ok, so I've decided to start writing regularly in my blog here.  Well, I've made that one of my resolutions this year.  So, let's see if I stick with it.  Like most people around the world I made several resolutions this year.  Aside from writing regularly in my blog I made a resolution to get back in excellent shape.  I'm not in BAD shape now.  Well, I guess that depends on what your definition of bad is.  But I can see much room for improvement so that is what I'm aiming for.  Plus, having a beautiful girlfriend helps to motivate me to look my best.  I wouldn't want her to decide that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Hehe Just kidding about that.  I know she would never do that.  But I'm still motivated to look my best for her anyway.  I also resolved to make $100,000 this year.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Are you done laughing yet? I'm serious.  I'm going to make $100,000 this year.  I don't know how.  I don't need to.  I just know in my heart that I WILL make $100,000 this year.  The way will unveil itself when the opportunity is right.  I also made a resolution to be the best boyfriend and best father that I could possibly be. I know that kind of seems like a given and a no brainer, but I think by adding it to my resolutions for the year it holds me more accountable. 
2007 was a pretty crazy year.  I started the year off in my house alone and ended it in love with the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world.  I started the year off working a job that was slowly wearing me down and ended it being a struggling business owner with more freedom and less stress.  I started the year off with a less than ideal relationship with my youngest son and ended it with a rock solid relationship with an almost 16 yr old that is like one of my best friends.  All in all I think 2007 ended up much better than it started.  Financially things could be looking better.  But, I think that is all about to change as 2008 starts.  I'm more optimistic than I have been in years.  I love being on top of the world.  The view is great from up here.  Yall should come up and join me!

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