Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Can you see it? 

So, are you getting tired of reading my blogs yet?  Hehe.  This one here makes 3 for the year.  I'm doing pretty good so far to have posted a blog each week.  I was hoping to start typing today and that some great inspirational idea would come to me so that I would be able to pass it on to you.  I want to give you this piece of advice today..we create our own reality.  Kind of profound if you think about it huh?  Anything that you want out of life, you can have.  You are not restricted by your environment.  You are not restricted by your social/economic status.  The only restriction is you.  If your mind can think it and your heart can feel and believe it, then you can have it.  If you think that something you want is not achievable or that it will never happen, then guess what? You're right.  Stop thinking that you can't have something.  Stop thinking that something isn't possible for you to achieve.  The only thing that is preventing you from having all that you want is you!  Change your way of thinking and you can change your life!

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