Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Will you? 

Merriam-Webster defines persevering as to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement.  Of all the qualities I possess, this….my persistent nature, is the quality that I hold most dear.  Yes some may say that being resilient is a more desirable trait.  But to this I say, what good is it to be able to recover from apparent defeat if you fail to continue on the course to achieve that which you sought out initially?  If you are easily discouraged you will never achieve the greatness you so desire. 
Some may say that you have to know when to quit.  To those I say, quitters NEVER win and winners NEVER quit!  Be it the pursuit of a better job, more money, or the love and happiness you so richly deserve…if you quit before you have it; you never deserved it in the first place! 
Life tests you.  Life puts up seemingly insurmountable roadblocks.  It's your job to find a way to go over, around, or through that pesky speed bump and continue on, steadfast towards the goal you have your heart set on. 
Life is meant to be abundant and happy.  No one ever said that it would be easy to get to that point.  If it were easy, everyone would be happy and rich.  No.  Life's rewards are plenty, if you are willing to stay the course. 
Stay the course.  Don't let those that are too weak or too scared to do so discourage you.  The side of the road to all of life's treasures is riddled with those that weren't willing to preserver.  Don't join them.  Stay the course!

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