Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This past week we just celebrated Thanksgiving. I’m sure most of us were busy with family, food and festivities. But how many of us actually sat down and gave serious thought to the real reason for the holiday; to give thanks for what we have in our lives? I thought about it a lot over the long weekend and wanted to just jot down some of the things that I’m thankful for. I have much to be thankful for. Sometimes I forget that in my narrow view of what I DON’T have.

I’m thankful for having an amazing family. I’m thankful for my loving parents who are always there for me and for my wonderful “little“ sister who is always there to lend an ear or offer advice when I need it. I have 2 incredibly beautiful nieces and an awesome nephew, whom I don’t get to see enough of and that I love and miss bunches! I’m thankful for having two great kids. I’m so proud of Christopher for serving our country in the Marine Corps during this time of global uncertainty and war. He is part of a larger group of young men and women that provide for our security daily, and for that I am thankful! I also have an amazing 16 yr old at home that I am equally proud of! Clay has grown up so much and it’s a joy to watch him mature and grow into a fine young man. He has been shouldering the responsibility of a job since this summer. He has been there when I have needed him to help out in more ways than one; without complaining as a lot of teenagers tend to do when they are asked to do something that doesn’t necessarily benefit them. I know so many parents have to deal with so many problems when it comes to their kids, and I am so very thankful that the biggest problem I have to deal with is a kid with a messy room. (But he cleans it up when I ask him to, for the most part) I am so very thankful that I have had the privilege of meeting my grandson, Zach. He is a beautiful, happy, healthy baby. For that I am VERY thankful. I’m thankful for my friends who are there for me when I need someone to talk to or just hang out with when I’m bored, in need of a good time, or in need of cheering up. My friends keep me sane and grounded, and for that I will always be thankful. I’m thankful that I have a job this year when so many people are out of work. I’m thankful for my state of mind and the place that I am currently at in my life. There have been many ups and downs in the past, but I am learning to be thankful for all of it, of it is those experiences that shape who I am and who I will become.

This is just a small list of the people and things that I am thankful for in my life right now. I hope that I continue to give thanks for all of my blessings each and every day, not just on Thanksgiving once a year.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Call It A Comeback!

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I've been in a bit of a slump lately; for the last 4 or 5 months to be more precise. I was beating myself up about the way things were going in my life. Mainly I was down because my business hadn't produced the way I had hoped it would. That setback really shook my confidence. If you know me at all, you know that I am a confident person; more so than most. I have been blessed by God to possess a great confidence in myself and my abilities. Of course, you might not have known that by looking at me and talking to me the last few months. That lack of confidence was affecting who I am as a person. NO MORE!

With each passing day I feel myself walking taller. I see myself with my head held higher. I AM getting my swagger back. Why you might ask? Because THAT'S who I am! I am looking at things in my life for what they are. They are the things that make me stronger. They are the things that make me who I am. Setbacks and failed attempts are learning experiences. They are only failures if you stop trying. I will not stop trying! I will be successful at WHATEVER I decide to do in my life. I will have the nice house! I will have the nice cars! I will have everything that I want, both personally and professionally! How do I know that I will have all of this? Because I have decided that I will! I have learned in my life that I can do anything that I put my mind to. I just have to stick to it and NOT give up!

Each and every day I pray to God to give me the strength to continue on and to not give in to setbacks. And my friends, God has listened to my prayers. With each passing day he has allowed me to see deep inside myself, to the man that I truly am. The confident, successful man that is at the heart of WHO I AM!

If you have asked yourself, “I wonder what’s wrong with Troy?” You no longer have to wonder. Because I’M BACK BABY!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Phones and Text Messages

So, I spent the better part of the last week without the ability to receive text messages from anyone. Turns out the only people that actually call me to TALK on my phone are my parents. It should go without saying that my phone was VERY quiet the last 6 days. So it got me thinking. Has the way we communicate with each other evolved into something that is good or bad?

I realized this week that I really don’t remember what some of my friends sound like anymore because I never TALK to them. We always carry on text conversations. I mean, it’s great to be able to carry on a “conversation” and still be able to do other things and not have to devote your complete attention to the other person. But then again, you’re not devoting your complete attention to that other person. Doesn’t that in and of itself take away a little bit of the “conversation” part of the equation. We’ve gotten so busy in our every day lives that we’ve managed to reduce significant interaction with those that we care about to a few lines of text. I mean, think about it. We got so busy that instead of visiting friends to have face to face conversations with them, we started making phone calls so that we could “save some time”. Then we took out the voice interaction completely with email, shortly followed by instant messaging; both great time savers and multi tasking enhancers. Now we manage to have conversations using only our thumbs on mobile devices. We don't even have to be in one place any more to compose a messaeg to someone else. What’s next? Is technology going to advance in some way that we can send our thoughts telepathically to someone so that we don’t have to be bothered with typing? Don’t get me wrong, I love texting. I love being able to carry on multiple conversations at once or to be able to carry on a conversation without really stopping whatever it is that I’m doing. But, at what cost? Are we losing some bit of connectivity with the other side of the conversation? It’s hard to judge tone in a text message. Even over the phone you can hear inflections in another person’s voice even if you can’t see their facial expressions or read their body language. Does not having that ability cheapen the conversation any? Does it somehow make it less of a real conversation?

I think as a culture our ways of communicating have changed and evolved, but the most important thing to remember is that we still seek out that communication; in whatever form. I have to admit I felt isolated and alone without the ability to receive regular communication from my friends, and that was only for a 6 day period. I think I’m going to make an effort to call my friends more often s o that I don’t have to say that I can’t remember what their voices sound like, but I doubt that I’ll abandon texting all together. I mean, come on it is pretty dang convenient.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Growing Up

I remember thinking to myself when I was a kid that I didn't ever want to grow up. I think I might have even made a wish or two for that very thing, to never grow up. Or maybe it was just a wish to never grow old. Either way, here I am at 36 yrs old and, guess what, I still haven't grown up; not really anyway. I still feel like that 20something year old kid that didn't have a clue as to what he wanted to do with his life. I still play video games and play on myspace more than I do anything else, besides watch TV. I would still rather stay up all night and sleep in. Cereal for dinner is still a viable option some nights when I don't feel like cooking.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not immature or childish. I just don't "FEEL" like I've grown up. I can "ACT" grown up and I can make grown up decisions, but it sometimes feels like that's what it is, an ACT. Perhaps feeling this way is a sign that it's time for me to "grow up". Maybe it's like an adiction. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. Or maybe it has something to do with where I live. I always used to joke around by saying that I lived in "Never Never Land." Living in a college town, you don't ever HAVE to grow up if you dont want to. The majority of the population of this town never gets older. As they get older, the move away and a fresh new group comes in to replace them. Hmmm, I wonder if I'll grow up instantly if I were to move somewhere outside of College Station. Probably not, but it might be worth a shot. Either way, I think it's time to start thinking of moving out of College Station.

As I'm writing this blog, I keep hearing that song from the old Toys R Us commercials..."I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid..."

Each day I find myself still wondering what it is that I want to do or be when I grow up. I've had lots of different jobs since I left the military. I'd like to say that I was like Shawn Spencer from the TV show Psych and that I took each of those jobs because I wanted the experience and once I had mastered them, I moved on. Maybe its because I have ADHD that I get bored with jobs easily. I think it all just boils down to not really knowing what it is that I want to do with my life.

I know I want to be happy with my life in general. First and foremost as far as a job is concerned, I want to be happy and satisfied with my work. My mom says that most people don't like thier jobs and that its just a way to make money to pay your bills; you don't have to like it. That's probably true, but I don't think its a rule. So, I'm probably gonna keep trying to figure out what job will make me happy. I've started to pray for guidance in this quest. I feel as though I'm being "pushed" in the direction of teaching. By "pushed" I mean that I feel as though I'm being guided towards teaching. So, I'm seriously considering getting my teaching certification to teach high school speech. But, in the mean time I had to go out and get a "real job". And of course by "real job" I mean one that actually pays. And, it's definitely just that, a job. It's definitely not a career. It'll do for now until I can decide what I want to be when I grow up.

Maybe tomorrow night I'll sit outside and wait for that first star to appear so that I can make a wish to grow up, or better yet, just go find one of those fortune telling arcade machine things and wish to "be big."

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid..."

I guess what they say is true. Be careful what you wish for.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How Do You See Things?

I read this story today in a blog and wanted to share it with you along with my personal interpretation.

There were two shoe salesmen who traveled to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.
One man called his wife the moment he landed, telling her, “Honey, I’m coming back home. There’s no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there’s no one to sell to.” He boarded the next flight home.
The second man called his wife and said, “Honey, you wouldn’t believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!”

We always hear clichés like, “when you are given lemons, make lemonade” or “you have to play the cards you’re dealt.” Often people will ask if you see the glass half empty or half full. Your personal perception of the situation you find yourself in, whatever that situation is, will determine the outcome. God often gives us opportunities to grow and become better people. Some people forge ahead in the face of difficult times or challenges, and come out on the other end better for having done so; even if they previously thought that they weren’t up to the challenge. There are others that will see the obstacles, determine that they are insurmountable, and just give up.

God never gives us more than we can handle. Sometimes, we need reminding of that. I know that I do. We also need to remember that with the help of God, all things are possible. I also need to be reminded of this from time to time. I need to remember to sometimes let go, ask for God’s help, and be open to His solution. So, I leave you with one last “cliché”: If God brings you to it, He will see you through it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I have two incredibly awesome parents. Now, I know that alot of people out there have great parents. So, my statement may not seem that extraordinary. But, I have had people close to me try to make me feel guilty for having a great family. They have tried to make me feel almost ashamed of myself for having grown up with both of my parents still married, living in the same house, without physical abuse or emotional trauma. I'm sorry, but I don't feel guilty about that. However, I am guilty of something else. I'm guilty of not appreciating my parents enough, and more importantly for not expressing my appreciation for them more often.

My parents have done more for me than I probably deserve, even when I didn't treat them with the utmost respect. I can honestly say, that without my parents I would be living in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere. I have made some really bad choices in the last 18 years; some small, some huge. But each and every time my parents have been there to lift me back up and to offer encouragement. The most important thing that my parents have done for me is that they have allowed me to fail, but have ALWAYS been there to lift me back up again when I do.

It's said that you learn more from your mistakes than you do from your accomplishments. My parents have allowed me to learn things the hard way, but I am a better person because of it. And I know that no matter how badly I fail, my parents will be there to pick me up, dust me off, love me and encourage me to carry on. I hope and pray that I am at least half the parent to my boys that my parents are to me.

Mom and Dad, thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you, even more than you know.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

The 4th of July. Independence Day. America’s Birthday. Whatever you call it, it’s a pretty neat holiday! It’s a day to celebrate the birth of a GREAT nation. With all the negative things you read and see in the media about how the rest of the world (and sometimes some of our own citizens) view us as a nation we sometimes lose sight of how truly wonderful our country is and how incredible our freedoms really are.

In the 232 years since our country’s birth (signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776), the American people and the United States of America have helped end TWO world wars, defeated communism, stopped tyrants and ruthless dictators, provided humanitarian aid, and loaned countless billions of dollars to other countries (with no real expectation of ever being repaid), and oh so much more.

In our relatively short history this GREAT country of ours has basically stood up to every challenge, every madman, and every horrific situation and emphatically said “NOT ON MY WATCH!”

The rest of the world dislikes us (dare I say even HATES us) because we always stand up for what WE think is right and not just sit and be bystanders. Let them!

Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a pretty big patriotic person. So, it would go to reason that I love this holiday as much, or more, than any other. But I ask that you please remember why it is that you get to enjoy this wonderful day. Remember that there is a reason that we have the PRIVILEGE to celebrate and enjoy the freedoms that we have. Today, all over the world there are young (and not so young) men and women who have devoted themselves to protecting our freedoms and our way of life. So, as you fire up the grill today and spend time with your loved ones pause and think about the guy or girl that is half a world away fighting to keep this country GREAT.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Your Life's Plan

When I was young and growing up I had a lot of goals and dreams. I would think about all the things that I wanted to accomplish in my lifetime. When I was leaving high school I still had a lot of goals and thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted my life to go. Then life happens and you lose your way a little bit, or veer off course. I remember when I was 25 I was starting a new chapter in my life and in my first year at A&M and I thought to myself, "AH HA. This is where things turn around and I get everything that I've wanted for my life." Wrong! I learned a lot between 25 and 30, and had some ups and downs along the way, but I still wasn't where I thought I should be. Then when I was 30 I thought, “Ok, NOW I know what I want to do and where I want to go.” Wrong again! I've struggled for the last 5 years in trying to learn who I am, what it is that I really want to do, and where it is that I really want my life to go. My 35th year is almost complete and now I'm FINALLY realizing it's not about where I want to be or where I want to go with my life that is the important thing. Sure, goals and dreams and wanting to better yourself and your situation for you and your family are very important. But the MOST important thing, at least as I have finally come to realize it, is that you surrender yourself to GOD's plan for WHAT you should do and WHERE you should be. Once you understand that, God has a wonderful way of putting things in place for you and placing the people in your life to help you achieve the life that HE wants for you.

I’m a smart guy. If you ask anyone that knows me, they might even tell you that I’m too smart (at least for my own good sometimes). But, even I’m smart enough to know that I’m not smarter than GOD. Who am I to say that what I want for me is better than what God wants for me? I’ll take God’s plan for me over my own plan for myself every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I woke up this morning to a shocking realization. Although, it shouldn't have come as a shock to me, since it should have been painfully obvious. What was this shocking revelation? I woke up this morning realizing that I am alone; truly alone. Now, don't confuse this with being "lonely". For one can be lonely in a room full of people. I am saying that I am alone…isolated.

I once had lots of friends surrounding me; people that I worked with and went out with fairly regularly. In college I had classmates and other friends that I hung out with outside of the classroom. In the Navy I had my buddies that I hung out while we are off duty. But now there is no one. I guess I should ad a caveat to this statement in that I do have the company of my 16 year old son on a daily basis. So, in that aspect I am not LITERALLY alone. However, one might argue that it's a bit unusual and perhaps odd that my only companion is my 16 year old son. In the words of Clay himself, "when you think about it, that's a little bit pathetic." And, I guess it is pathetic. Now, I have family. They are all 3 hours away, at least. I get to see them once every several months. I have a girlfriend. But she isn't much closer at 2 hours away. I see her just slightly more often than I see my family.

How did I get to this place in my life where I have isolated myself from any close friends or companions? I guess that is the question that I am asking myself. As I look back I wonder what happened to all the friends that I have had over the years. Well, I didn't stay in touch with too many people from high school after I left for the Navy 13 days after graduation. They all moved on with their lives. And my Navy buddies stayed behind when I left the Navy and came home. I've stayed in touch with one though. He was my best friend back in those days. Now, we email occasionally and sometimes even talk on the phone. All my college friends graduated, moved, moved on, found significant others, gotten married, or any combination of thereof. A few of the really important friends from back then email every now and again, but I can honestly say that I haven't seen a single one of them in a few years. I still think of them as my closest friends, but the reality is that they are close friends from a previous time in my life. The same is similar for work friends that I have made since leaving college. For most of them, once you leave the job the "friendship" ends. If it does continue, rarely does it involve anything more than emails, myspace, or the occasional text message or phone call.

I guess I'm not good at making new friends. Oh, I have the skills and personality to make new friends. I think I choose to not make new friends. Maybe it's because I fear that they will just end up like my other friends…just names in an email address book.

I wonder if there is some deeper psychology behind this. Maybe stemming from an early childhood of military life where friends came and went as fathers and mothers were transferred to other bases. Back then you were lucky to have the same friends from school year to school year. But, I would think that those experiences would have made me better equipped to make new friends easily.

Maybe it's been the lack of financial stability and disposable income that has helped to isolate me. I mean, you can't have friends if you never go out with anyone when they invite you.

I guess it doesn't matter why. The fact still remains that I'm alone. Maybe when I start to earn some big money with my business I'll be able to afford to travel and reconnect with old friends. Maybe I'll be able to afford to go out and do things, meet new people and forge new friendships. I guess that's just one more reason why I need to make this business successful; because I don't want to be alone forever.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Losing Focus

I guess from time to time we all lose focus; at least I do. That's what has recently happened to me. I lost my focus. Well, that's not entirely true. What happened is that I started to focus on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on where I want to be and where I want to go in my life, I started to focus on the negatives. I started to focus on what I didn't want. I started to pay attention to all the things that are going and have gone wrong in my life. Then, it seems that things just started to snowball from there.

It's true that whatever you focus on you, you get more of. In my business, I've been so focused lately on how I haven't made a placement that I almost forgot how much I enjoy having the freedom of working for myself and how much I enjoy the challenge of trying to find that one person that is needed to fill that position. i've forgotten that this is my dream. If I focus on the joys of my work, then the rest will eventually take care of itself.

I must remember to keep focused on what I want and why I want it. If I do that, the opportunities to achieve it all will present themselves. I must remember that everything happens on time, every time. When you stop and focus on the wrong things, you just get more of it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are you a farmer?

Ok, I took a little two week break from posting anything on my blog.  Mainly because I didn't want to just throw some filler up here.  If I'm going to post something, I want it to be substantive.  So here you go.

Many of my past blog posts have dealt with having a vision of what you want.  That is a very important aspects of achieving your goals and desires.  However, that is not the only thing that you need to do. If that is all it took, everyone would have everything that they wanted.  If all you have is a vision but that's it, you're nothing more than a day dreamer.  The world is full of day dreamers.  Action is required on your part.  That's right, you're going to have to actually get up off your butt and DO something to achieve your dreams and goals. 

You might be asking, "What do I need to do Troy?"  First off, you need to be open to what the universe gives you.  All the answers are out there in the universe.  If you listen closely, you'll get the answers.  That little voice inside of you that says do this or don't do that.  That gut feeling that urges you to take action on this or hold off on that.  THAT is the universe giving you answers.  THAT's the universe telling you what you need to do.  You're job, is to listen and take action.  Inaction will guarantee that you will never achieve your goals.

Let me explain it to you another way.  Let's say that you are a farmer.  You plant a seed in the ground.  If you just walk away and do nothing else, is it reasonable to expect that you will have something to harvest?  No.  Of course not.  You're job as a farmer is to water the seed, provide it care, make sure no weeds steal the nutrients that the plant needs, etc.  IF you do your job as a farmer, you WILL be able to harvest the fruit.  Your goal or desire is the seed.  When you clearly define it, you plant that seed.  If that is all you do, there will be nothing for you to harvest…not now, not ever.  But if you stay focused on that goal, listen to the universe, take the appropriate actions KNOWING that those actions are getting you closer to your goal.  You WILL have that goal or desire to harvest when the time is right. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Am I Here?

Have you ever wondered what your "purpose" is? I'm sure it's safe to say that just about all of us have, at one time or another, asked this very question. I know that I have asked this question countless numbers of times; to myself, to others, to God. And, it wasn't until relatively recently that I came to understand what my purpose was; what it is that I was meant to do on this earth. 

Before I go ahead and give you the insight on my grand revelation, let me give you a little history about my quest in finding my "purpose". For as long as I can remember, I have thought that my purpose in life was to help and protect others. That is one of the main reasons why I joined the military when I left high school. It's also the reason that I applied numerous times with numerous law enforcement agencies after I left the Navy. For those of you that know me well, you know that it's the reason that I spent several years trying to get back into the military following 9/11. When I was unable to reenter the military for numerous reasons, it's the reason that I sought out other ways to "help" people. I worked as a case manager for a housing program for the homeless for a while. That was rewarding, but eventually the rewards became less and less. So I decided to try my hand as an adult probation officer. That sounded like a great job, I got to help people AND help protect the community. But eventually, that too began to provide me with less and less personal satisfaction. However, as luck would have it, it was right around the time that I started to notice less and less personal satisfaction as a probation officer that I learned why I was here; what I was meant to do. 

Are you ready for the revelation? Drum roll please…. What I was meant to do, what you are meant to do, is to be happy. That's it. Seems simple enough doesn't it? Your purpose in life is to do what ever makes you happy. Man's purpose in life is to live the most abundant, full and happy life possible. It seems simple, yet so many of us spend our lives trying to find our "purpose." Many of us let the true purpose of our lives slip by in pursuit of something "greater." But I ask you this, what can be greater than fulfilling your true life's purpose.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you believe?

Wow, did you see the Super Bowl game last night? What a good game. Since my beloved Cowboys were out of it, I had just hoped to see a good game, and I definitely wasn't disappointed. This morning when I was thinking about it a little bit more, I realized that I came away with some very powerful thoughts after watching the game. 

First, I am greatly reminded to NEVER underestimate the power of believing in yourself, your abilities, and what you can have and accomplish. All of the so called experts and professional prognosticators gave the NY Giants little hope of even making a game of this much less a chance to actually win. But the Giants didn't buy in to that. Why? I'll tell you why. I'm sure that every player, coach, and trainer, to a man, believed in themselves, their teammates, and their desire and ability to win and hoist that Lombardi Trophy in celebration. I can promise you that each of them pictured that moment in their mind; the moment after the win when they could hold that trophy up high. I bet each of them could actually feel what it would feel like when they won. It was that emotion coupled with their desire and unwavering belief that produced the victory. When interviewed after the win, Eli Manning said that they believed that they could win, even when it seemed that no one else in the country did. The Giants were a wild card team. They weren't supposed to even make to the Super Bowl much less win; according the all the experts. Remember what I've said before? It doesn't matter what your background or where you come from. No one puts limitations on you except for you. 

Secondly, I think about the Patriots pursuit of excellence and the perfect season. I'm sure that none of the New England players were thinking they would lose last night. Even with less than a minute to play in the game, quarterback Tom Brady appeared to be cool, calm and faithful that they would win. Unfortunately for Tom and the rest of the New England players, the game of football has a clock that determines when play stops. New England didn't walk away with their first loss of the season because they quit or didn't have a desire to win; they merely ran out of time on the game clock. Lucky for us the "game" of life lasts a little bit longer than 60 minutes. But, there is a time limit on life, just like there is on a football game. Do you want to wait until the clock is winding down on your life to act? The time to act is now. The only time that we live in is NOW. There is no tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. 

Whatever it is that you want; whatever it is that you desire; YOU CAN HAVE IT. You just have to see it, believe it, and feel it in your heart. Don't believe me? Just ask Eli Manning and the rest of the NY Giants.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Do you feel it and believe it?

Success in life has little to do with being in the right place at the right time. It has everything to do with unwavering faith. Unwavering faith in yourself and in whatever it is that you seek to have or achieve. Most of my writings over the last couple of weeks have been alluding to success on a monetary plane. I want to let you know that this applies to ALL areas of your life.

Anyone that knows me personally knows that I have had my share of "bad relationships." But those that know me well will also be able to tell you that I have always had a deep desire to have a meaningful relationship with a very special woman. I didn't have a specific woman in mind. I didn't set out to be with person X or person Y. But, I have always hoped that I would meet the woman of my dreams. It's when I started truly believing that I would meet the woman of my dreams that the Universe began to put things in motion to accommodate my thoughts and feelings. I continued to believe in my heart that the woman of my dreams was coming into my life. The Universe responded; and she did. 

Now, here is another one of the tricky parts. You have to know when and how to accept what it is that the Universe is giving you. I almost missed it. I let my own fears and stupid hang ups almost get in the way. BUT, lucky for me the Universe is much smarter than I am. The Universe knows what's in your heart and in your mind. Presto! In spite of myself, I managed to attract the attention of the most amazing and wonderful woman in the world. Why, because I believed in my heart that I deserved to be loved and had faith that I was going to share that love with the woman of my dreams. 

When you start to think that you don't deserve love; when you start to think that love doesn't exist; when you start to believe that you will never find the person that is meant for you…. The Universe can do nothing but align itself to meet your heartfelt beliefs.

If you want to find the love of your life, start thinking, believing, and feeling in your heart that he or she is out there making their way into your life. If you think it and believe it in your heart; the Universe has no choice but to make it so.

Think it. Feel it and believe it. Have it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Can you see it? 

So, are you getting tired of reading my blogs yet?  Hehe.  This one here makes 3 for the year.  I'm doing pretty good so far to have posted a blog each week.  I was hoping to start typing today and that some great inspirational idea would come to me so that I would be able to pass it on to you.  I want to give you this piece of advice today..we create our own reality.  Kind of profound if you think about it huh?  Anything that you want out of life, you can have.  You are not restricted by your environment.  You are not restricted by your social/economic status.  The only restriction is you.  If your mind can think it and your heart can feel and believe it, then you can have it.  If you think that something you want is not achievable or that it will never happen, then guess what? You're right.  Stop thinking that you can't have something.  Stop thinking that something isn't possible for you to achieve.  The only thing that is preventing you from having all that you want is you!  Change your way of thinking and you can change your life!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Will you? 

Merriam-Webster defines persevering as to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement.  Of all the qualities I possess, this….my persistent nature, is the quality that I hold most dear.  Yes some may say that being resilient is a more desirable trait.  But to this I say, what good is it to be able to recover from apparent defeat if you fail to continue on the course to achieve that which you sought out initially?  If you are easily discouraged you will never achieve the greatness you so desire. 
Some may say that you have to know when to quit.  To those I say, quitters NEVER win and winners NEVER quit!  Be it the pursuit of a better job, more money, or the love and happiness you so richly deserve…if you quit before you have it; you never deserved it in the first place! 
Life tests you.  Life puts up seemingly insurmountable roadblocks.  It's your job to find a way to go over, around, or through that pesky speed bump and continue on, steadfast towards the goal you have your heart set on. 
Life is meant to be abundant and happy.  No one ever said that it would be easy to get to that point.  If it were easy, everyone would be happy and rich.  No.  Life's rewards are plenty, if you are willing to stay the course. 
Stay the course.  Don't let those that are too weak or too scared to do so discourage you.  The side of the road to all of life's treasures is riddled with those that weren't willing to preserver.  Don't join them.  Stay the course!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

1st of 2008

Ok, so I've decided to start writing regularly in my blog here.  Well, I've made that one of my resolutions this year.  So, let's see if I stick with it.  Like most people around the world I made several resolutions this year.  Aside from writing regularly in my blog I made a resolution to get back in excellent shape.  I'm not in BAD shape now.  Well, I guess that depends on what your definition of bad is.  But I can see much room for improvement so that is what I'm aiming for.  Plus, having a beautiful girlfriend helps to motivate me to look my best.  I wouldn't want her to decide that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Hehe Just kidding about that.  I know she would never do that.  But I'm still motivated to look my best for her anyway.  I also resolved to make $100,000 this year.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Are you done laughing yet? I'm serious.  I'm going to make $100,000 this year.  I don't know how.  I don't need to.  I just know in my heart that I WILL make $100,000 this year.  The way will unveil itself when the opportunity is right.  I also made a resolution to be the best boyfriend and best father that I could possibly be. I know that kind of seems like a given and a no brainer, but I think by adding it to my resolutions for the year it holds me more accountable. 
2007 was a pretty crazy year.  I started the year off in my house alone and ended it in love with the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world.  I started the year off working a job that was slowly wearing me down and ended it being a struggling business owner with more freedom and less stress.  I started the year off with a less than ideal relationship with my youngest son and ended it with a rock solid relationship with an almost 16 yr old that is like one of my best friends.  All in all I think 2007 ended up much better than it started.  Financially things could be looking better.  But, I think that is all about to change as 2008 starts.  I'm more optimistic than I have been in years.  I love being on top of the world.  The view is great from up here.  Yall should come up and join me!